We repair all brands of computers, desktops and servers.
Our aim is to offer a simplified, all-in-one solution to your computer problems whilst recognising the need of advising our clients along the way on what would be the most cost effective repair.
HP repairs
Our portfolio includes the highly reliable HP brand. We service and repair any HP unit and include all the official HP diagnostic tests in all our inspection procedures. From servers and desktops to laptops and printers our expert technical team will repair it.
Dell Repairs
Dell has grown and taken huge steps in the market. The laptops that this company produces are among the best in the world. They are reliable but still require maintenance or repairs just like any other other device. Being an Official Dell registered partner helps us understand and pin point what to do or look for when your Dell laptop, computer or desktop requires a repair.
Apple repairs
One of the most successful and popular brands of our generation and around the world. Apple repairs are all carried out by our highly trained staff. We are Mac lovers ourselves and we have seen it all – and repaired it all! These machines are very expensive and command expert diagnostics. At PcRepairsMalta we carry all the latest and most updated tools for these delicate, yet beautiful machines.
Acer Repairs
The majority of Acer repairs that we see at our I.T. workshop are well worth the repair. This brand may be more inclined to targeting the budget audience but still offer a fantastic overall package at a great price. There are so many Acer models on the market nowadays and we can repair them all, hassle free, quickly and guarantee an authentic and high quality end product to suit your pocket.
Lenovo Repairs
Lenovo (formerly IBM) is growing to be a front runner in the electronics market. At PcRepairsMalta we understand the procedures needed to correctly diagnose and inspect all the required aspects and facets of this famous brand. Your Lenovo will be up and running, back to its former super fast glory in no time.